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This is a running list of journal articles professors and students have published while at ETSU (although not comprehensive) and after finishing their respective degrees. Each year is alphabetical by first author.
Stone M.H., Hornsby W.G. Suarez D.G., Duca M., and Pierce K.C. Training Specificity for Athletes: Emphasis on Strength-Power Training: A Narrative Review. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 7:102, 2022 – On-line
Ishida, A., Suarez, D.G., Travis, S.K., Slaton, J.A., White, J.B., Bazyler, C.D. and Stone, M.H. Intrasession and Intersession Reliability of Isometric Squat, Midthigh Pull, and Squat Jump in Resistance-Trained Individuals. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 37(1):18-26, 2023.
Comfort, P., Haff, G.G., Suchomel, T.J., Soriano, M.A., Pierce, K.C., Hornsby, W.G., Haff, E.E., Sommerfield, L.M., Chavda, S., Morris, S.J. and Fry, A.C. National Strength and Conditioning Association position statement on weightlifting for sports performance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 10-1519, 2023.
Gleason, B.H., Suchomel, T.J., Brewer, C., McMahon, E.L., Lis, R.P. and Stone, M.H., Defining the Sport Scientist. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 2023 (In Press)
Gleason, B.H., Suchomel, T.J., Brewer, C., McMahon, E.L., Lis, R.P. and Stone, M.H., Defining the sport scientist. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 16: 1510-1519, 2022.
Ishida, A., Bazyler C.D., Suarez D.G., Slaton J.A., White J.B. and Stone M.H. The difference between several neuromuscular tests for monitoring resistance-training induced fatigue, Journal of Sports Sciences, 2023 on-line.
Yoshida, N, Hornsby G.W., Sole, C.J, Sato K. and Stone M.H. Effect of neuromuscular fatigue on the countermovement jump characteristics: basketball related high-intensity exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (In Press), 2023.
. Gleason BH, Suchomel TJ, Pyne DB, Comfort P, McMahon E, Hornsby WG, Lis RP, Stone MH. Development pathways for the sport scientist: A process for the United States. Strength & Conditioning Journal., 2023 (In Press)
Ishida, A, Draper, G, Wright, M, Emerson, J, and Stone, MH. Training volume and high-speed loads vary within microcycle in elite North American soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 37(11): 2229–2234, 2023.
Chae S. Long S.A., Lis R.P., McDowell K.W., Wagle J.P., Carroll K.M., Mizuguchi S., and Stone M.H. Combined accentuated eccentric loading and rest redistribution in high-volume back squat: Acute kinetics and kinematics. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research 2024 (in Press).
301. Chae S. Long S.A., Lis R.P., McDowell K.W., Wagle J.P., Carroll K.M., Mizuguchi S.,
and Stone M.H. Combined accentuated eccentric loading and rest redistribution in high-volume back squat: Acute stimulus and fatigue. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research 2024 (in Press).
Stone .H., Hornsby G., Mizuguchi S., Sato K., Gahreman D., Duca M., Carroll K.,
Ramsey M.W., Stone M.E, Haff G.G. The use of Free Weight Squats in Sports: a narrative review – Squatting Movements, Adaptation and Sports Performance: Physiological Aspects. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research 2024 (in Press).
Stone, M.H., Sands, W.A., Pierce, K.C., Ramsey, M.W. and Haff, G.G. Power and power potentiation among strength power athletes: preliminary study. International Journal of Sport Physiology and Performance. 3: 55-67, 2008.
Sands W.A. McNeal, J.R., Stone, M.H., Kimmel, W.L. Haff, G.G. and Jemni, M. The
effect of vibration on active and passive range of motion in elite female synchronized swimmers. European Journal of Sport Science. 8: 217-223, 2008.
Pierce, K.C., Brewer C., Ramsey M.W., Byrd R. Sands W.A. Stone M.E. and Stone M.H. Youth resistance Training. UKSCA Journal: Professional Strength and
Conditioning. No. 10, Summer, 9-23, 2008.
Sands, W.A., McNeal, J. Stone, M.H., Haff, G. G. and Kinser, A.M. Effect of vibration on forward split flexibility and pain perception in young male gymnasts. International Journal of Sport Physiology and Performance 3: 469-481, 2008.
Haff, G., Burgess, S.J. and Stone, M.H. Cluster Training: Theoretical and practical
applications for the strength and conditioning professional. UKSCA Journal 12
(Winter): 12 -16, 2008.
Kinser A.M., Sands WA, and Stone, M.H.. Reliability and validity of a pressure algometer. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research. 23:312-314, 2009.
Sands, WA, Kimmel, WL, Wurtz, BR, Stone, MH, McNeal, JR. Comparison of
commercially available disposable chemical hand and foot warmers. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 20(1), 39-42, 2009.
Kraska, J. Ramsey, M.W., Haff, G.G., Fethke, N., Sands, W.A., Stone, M.E. and Stone,
M.H. Relationship between strength characteristics and un-weighted and weighted
vertical jump height. International Journal of Sport Physiology and Performance 4(4): 461-473, 2009
Whittington, J., Schoen, E., Labounty, L. Hamdy,R., Ramsey M.W., Stone M.E.,
Sands, W.A., Haff, G.G. and Stone M.H. Bone Mineral Density and Content of Collegiate Throwers: Influence of Maximum Strength. Journal of Sport Medicine and Physical Fitness 49:264-273, 2009.
McNeal J.R., Sands W.A. and Stone M.H. Effects of fatigue on kinematic variables
during a 60 second repeated jumps tests. International Journal of Sport Physiology and Performance 5: 218-229, 2010.
Stuart C.A., Howell M.E.A., Baker J.D., Dykes R.J., Duffourc M.M., Ramsey M.W., Stone MH. Cycle Training Increased GLUT4 and Activation of mTOR in Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 42: 96- 106, 2010.
Judge, L.W. Stone, M.H., and Craig, B. Reconditioning the post-competitive football
Lineman: Recognizing the problem. Strength and Conditioning 32:28-32, 2010
Sands, W.A., McNeal, J.R. & Stone, M.H. Thermal imaging and gymnastics injuries: A
means of screening and identification. Science of Gymnastics Journal. 3(2), 5-12, 2011.
Kavanaugh A., Ramsey M.W., Sands W.A., Haff G.G. and Stone M.H. Acute Whole Body Vibration Does Not Affect Static Jump Performance. European Journal of Sport Science 11: 19-25, 2011.
Layne A.S., Nasrallah S., South M.A., Howell M.E.A., McCurry M.P., Ramsey M.W., Stone M.H., and Stuart C.A.: Impaired Muscle AMPK Activation In The Metabolic Syndrome May Attenuate Improved Insulin Action After Exercise Training. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 96: 1815-1826, 2011.
Painter K.B., Haff G.G., Mike W. Ramsey M. W,. McBride J., Triplett T. ,
Sands W.A., Lamont H. S., Stone M.E. and Stone M.H. Strength Gains: Block Vs DUP Weight-Training among Track and Field Athletes. International Journal of Sport Physiology and Performance 7(2):161-169, 2012.
Crum, A.J. Kawamori, N. Stone, M.H. and Haff.G.G. The acute effects of moderately loaded concentric only quarter squats on of vertical jump performance. Journal Strength and Conditioning Research 26: 914-925, 2012.
Sands W.A., Slater C., McNeal J.R., Murray S.R., and M.H. Stone. Historical trends of the size of U.S. Olympic female artistic gymnasts International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance : 4:350-356m 2012.
Sands W.A., Kimmel W.L., Jeni R. McNeal J.R. , Murray S.R. , and Stone M.H. A comparison of pairs figure skaters in repeated jumps. The Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 11:102-108, 2012.
Lloyd R.. Oliver, J.L., Moody J., Myers R.W. and Stone M.H. Long-term development of youth weightlifting. Journal of Strength and Conditioning 34: 55-66, 2012.
Beckham G.K., Lamont H.S., Sato K., Ramsey M.W., Haff G.G. and Stone M.H.
Isometric strength of powerlifters in key positions of the conventional deadlift. Journal of Trainology 1:32-35, 2012.
Sato K., Sands W.A. and Stone M.H. Reliability of accelerometry to measure weightlifting performance. Sports Biomechanics 11: 524-531, 2012.
Bailey, C., Sato, K. Alexander, R., Chiang, C.Y., Stone, M.H. Isometric force production symmetry and jumping performance in college athletes. Journal of Trainology, 2(1), 1-5, 2013.
Sands W.A., McNeal J.R, Murray S.R, Ramsey M.W., Sato K., Mizuguchi S., Stone
M.H. Stretching and its effects on recovery: a review. Strength and Conditioning Journal 35; 5: 30 – 36, 2013
Hornsby W.G., Haff G.G., Sands W.A., Ramsey M.W. Beckham G.K., Stone M.E. and
Stone M.H. Alterations in strength characteristics for isometric and dynamic mid- thigh pulls in collegiate throwers across 11 weeks of training. Gazzata Medica Italiana – Archives of Science and Medicine 172: 929-940, 2013.
Stuart CA, McCurry MP, Marino A, South MA, Howell ME, Layne AS, Ramsey MW, Stone MH. Slow-twitch fiber proportion in skeletal muscle correlates with insulin responsiveness. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 98:2027-2036, 2013.
Stuart CA, South MA, Lee ML, McCurry MP, Howell ME, Ramsey MW and Stone MH. Insulin responsiveness in metabolic syndrome after eight weeks of cycle training. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise . 45:2021-2029, 2013
Beckham G., Mizuguchi, S. Carter C., Sato K. Ramsey M., Lamont H., Haff G. and Stone M. Relationship of isometric mid-thigh pull variables to weightlifting performance. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 53(5):573-581, 2013.
Sands W. A., Kimmel W.L. McNeal J.R., Smith S.L., Penitente G., Murray S.R., Ramsey M.W., Sato K., Mizuguchi S. and Stone M.H. Kinematic and Kinetic Tumbling Take-off Comparisons of a Spring-floor and an Air FloorTM: A Pilot Study" The Science of Gymnastics Journal 5(3):31-46, 2013.
Hoffmann J.J., Reed J.P., Leiting K., Chiang C.Y., Stone M.H. Repeated sprints, high-
intensity interval training, small-sided games: theory and application to field sports. International Journal of Sports Physiolology and Performance. 9(2):352-357, 2014.
Sands W. A., McNeal J.R, Murray S.R, Ramsey M.W., Sato K., Mizuguchi S., Stone
M.H. Stretching and its effects on recovery: a review. Strength and Conditioning Journal 28(4):1058-1064, 2014.
Sands W. A., Murray M.B., Murray S.R., McNeal J.R, Murray S.R, Mizuguchi S.Sato
K., Stone M.H. Peristaltic pulse dynamic compression of the lower extremity enhances flexibility. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28(4):1058-1064, 2014
Whitehead P.N., Schilling B.K. ,. Stone M.H. , Kilgore J.L and.Chiu L.Z.F. Snatch
technique of United States national level weightlifters Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28(3):587-591, 2014
Bazyler C.D., Bailey C.A., Chiang C-Y., Sato K., Stone M.H. The effects of strength
training on isometric force production symmetry in recreationally trained males. Journal of Trainology 3: 6-10, 2014
Gleason B.H., Hollins J.E. , Santana H.A.P. , DeWeese B.H., Stone M.H. Performance
Training Guidelines for the 1.5 and 2-Mile Runs. Journal of Trainology 3: 11-30, 2014
Lloyd R S., Faigenbaum A.D., Stone M.H., Oliver J.L., Jeffreys I., Moody J.A., Brewer C., Pierce K.C., McCambridge T.M., Howard R., Herrington L., Hainline B., Micheli L.J., Jaques R., Kraemer W.J., McBride M.G., Best T.M., Chu D.A., Alvar B.A., Myer G.D. Position statement on youth resistance training: the 2014 International Consensus: British Journal of Sports Medicine 48(7):498-505, 2014.
Mizuguchi S., Gray H.S, Calabrese LS, Haff G.G., Sands W.A., Ramsey M.W,
Cardinale M. and Stone MH. Repeated change-of-direction test for collegiate male soccer players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 54(4):417-23, 2014.
Kavanaugh A. A., Mizuguchi S., Stone M.H., Haff G.G., Williams D. A., Lamont H.S., and Ramsey M.W. Whole-body vibration does not affect sprint performance in NCAA Division I sprinters and jumpers. Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning . 22(6)7-15. 2014.
Sands W.A., McNeal J.R, Murray SR. and Stone MH. Dynamic compression enhances
pressure-to-pain threshold in elite athlete recovery: Exploratory Study. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2014 [Epub ahead of print]
Bazyler C.D., Sato K., Wassinger C.A., Lamont H.S. and Stone M.H. The efficacy of
incorporating partial squats in maximal strength Training.Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 28(11):3024-3032, 2014.
Stuart C., Howell M., Cartwright B., McCurry M., Lee M. , Ramsey M. and Stone
M.H. Insulin resistance and muscle insulin receptor substrate-1 serine hyperphosphorylation. Physiological Reports 2014 Dec 3;2(12) pii: e12236.
Mizuguchi S., Sands W.A., Wassinger W.A. Lamont. H. and Stone M.H. A new approach to determining net impulse and identification of its characteristics in countermovement jumping: reliability and validity. Sports Biomechanics 14:1-15, 2015
Gentles J., Hornsby, W.G. H.S., Miller, J.A. Dotterweich A.R., Stuart C.A, Stone M.H. Changes in cell free DNA during a college soccer season. Journal of Trainology 4: 25-31, 2015.
Bailey C., Sato K., Burnett A., and Stone M.H. Force production asymmetry in male and female athletes of differing strength levels. International Journal of Sport Physiology and Performance 10(4):504-508, 2015
Bazyler, C. D., Abbott, H. A., Bellon, C. R., Taber, C. B., and Stone, M. H. . Strength
training for endurance athletes: Theory to practice. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 37(2), 1-12, 2015.
Suchomel T.J., Comfort P. and Stone M.H. Weightlifting Pulling Derivatives: Rationale
for Implementation and Application Sports Medicine 45(6):823-839, 2015.
Gleason BH.. Kramer J.B. and Stone M.H. Agility Training for American Football.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 37(6), 65-71, 2015.
Haff, G. G., and Stone, M. H.. Methods of Developing Power With Special
Reference to Football Players. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 37(6), 2-16, 2015.
DeWeese, B. H., Hornsby, G., Stone, M., & Stone, M. H. "The training process: Planning for strength–power training in track and field. Part 1: Theoretical aspects." Journal of Sport and Health Science 4(4): 308-317, 2015.
DeWeese, B. H., Hornsby, G., Stone, M., & Stone, M. H. The training process: Planning for strength–power training in track and field. Part 2: Practical and applied aspects. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 4(4): 318-324, 2015.
Bailey C.A., Sato K., Burnett A. and Stone M.H. Carry-over of force production
symmetry in athletes of differing strength levels. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research 29(11):3188-3196, 2015
Mizuguchi S, Sands WA, Wassinger CA, Lamont HS, Stone MH. A new approach to
determining net impulse and identification of its characteristics in countermovement jumping: reliability and validity. Sports Biomechanics. 14(2):258-272, 2015.
Suchomel T.J., Sole CJ. and Stone M.H. Comparison of methods that assess lower body
stretch-shortening cycle utilization. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research . 30(2):547-54, 2016 .
Suchomel, T.J., Sato, K., DeWeese, B.H., Ebben, W.P., and Stone, M.H. Potentiation
effects of half-squats performed in a ballistic or non-ballistic manner. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 30(6):1652-1660, 2016.
Sands W.A., McNeal J.R., Penitente, G., Murray S.R., Nassar L., Jemni M., Mizuguchi S., and Stone M.H. Stretching the spines of gymnast: A review. Sports Medicine 46:315–327, 2016.
Suchomel, T.J., Sato, K., DeWeese, B.H., Ebben, W.P. and Stone, M.H. Potentiation
following ballistic and non-ballistic complexes: The effect of strength level. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 30(7):1825-1833, 2016
Suchomel T.J., Sato K., DeWeese B.H., Ebben W.P. and Stone MH.Relationships
between potentiation effects following ballistic half-squats and bilateral symmetry. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 11(4):448-454, 2016.
Suchomel T.J., Nimphius S., Stone M.H. The Importance of Muscular Strength in Athletic Performance. Sports Medicine. 46(10):1419-1449, 2016.
Stuart C.A., Stone W.L., Howell M.E., Brannon M.F., Hall H.K., Gibson A.L. and Stone M.H. Myosin content of individual human muscle fibers isolated by laser capture microdissection. American Journal of Physiology and Cell Physiology 310: C381- C389, 2016.
South M., Layne A., Stuart C.A. Triplett N.T. , Michael Ramsey Howell M. , Sands W.,
Mizuguchi S., Hornsby G., Kavanaugh A., Stone M.H. Effects of short-term free-weight and semi-block periodization resistance training on metabolic syndrome. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 30(10):2682-2696, 2016.
Sands, W.A., Apostolopoulos N. Kavanaugh, A.A. and Stone, M. H. Recovery adaptation. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 38(6), 10-26, 2016.
Bazyler C., Mizuguchi, S., Sato K., DeWeese B. and Stone M.H. Changes in Muscle
Architecture, Explosive Ability, and Track and Field Throwing Performance Throughout a Competitive Season and Following a Taper Journal of Strength and conditioning Research 31: 2785–2793, 2017.
Pierce, K. C. and Stone, M. H. Children and sport – how hard should children be trained? Hamdan Medical Journal, 10 (1), 19-38., 2017 (on-line)
Stuart C.A., Lee M.L., South M.A., Howell M.E., Cartwright B.M., Ramsey M.W, Stone
M.H. Pre-Training Muscle Characteristics of Subjects Who Are Obese Determine How Well Exercise Training Will Improve Their Insulin Responsiveness: Exercise training and muscle of obese subjects. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 31(3):798-808, 2017.
Gleason, B.H., Sams, M., Salley, J.T., Pustina, A., & Stone, M.H. Analysis of a high school football scrimmage. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 31(8): 2183–2188, 2017
Carroll K. Sato K., Beckham G.K., Triplett N.T, Griggs C.V., Stone M.H. Relationship between concentric velocities at varying intensity in the back squat using a wireless inertial sensor. Journal of Trainology 6: 9-12, 2017
Pustina A.A. Sato K., Liu C., Kavanaugh A.A., Sams M.L. Liu J., Uptmore K.D. and
Stone M.H. Establishing a duration standard for the calculation of session rating of perceived exertion in NCAA division I men's soccer. Journal of Trainology 6 (1): 26-30, 2017
Sole, C. J., Kavanaugh, A. A., & Stone, M. H. Injuries in collegiate women’s volleyball: A four-year retrospective analysis. Sports 5: 26, 2017.
Bazyler C.D. Mizuguchi S. Sole C.J., Suchomel T.J., Sato K., Kavanagh A.A.,
DeWeese B.H. and Stone M.H. Jumping performance is preserved not muscle thickness in collegiate volleyball players after a taper. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 32(4):1020-1028, 2018.
Wagle JP., Taber C.B., Cunanan A.J., Bingham G.E., Carroll K.M., DeWeese B.H., Sato
K., Stone M.H. Accentuated eccentric loading for training and performance: A review. Sports Medicine 47(12):2473-2495, 2017.
Sams M.L., Sato K., DeWeese B.H., Sayers A.L., Stone M.H. Quantifying changes in
squat jump height across a season of men's collegiate soccer. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 32(8): 2324–2330, 2018.
Stuart C.A., Lee M.L., South M.A., Howell M.E.A., Stone M.H. Muscle hypertrophy in
pre-diabetic men after sixteen weeks of resistance training. Journal of Applied Physiology 123: 894–901, 2017.
Beckham, George K., et al. Effect of body position on force production during the
isometric mid-thigh pull. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 32: 48–56, 2018.
Gentles J., Hornsby G., Coniglio C., Dotterweich A., Miller J., C. Stuart C. and Stone
M. Cell Free DNA as a Marker of Training Status in Weightlifters. Biology of Sport.
34:287–294, 2017.
Suchomel T.J. and Stone M.H. The Relationships between Hip and Knee Extensor
Cross-Sectional Area, Strength, Power, and Potentiation Characteristics. Sports 5
(66): 1-9, 2017.
Carroll K. Wagle J.P, Sato K., DeWeese BH., Mizuguchi, S. and Stone M.H. Reliability
of a commercially available and algorithm-based kinetic analysis software compared to manual-based software. Sports Biomechanics 26:1-9, 2017.
Hornsby G., Gentles, J. McDonald C., J. Mizuguchi S., Ramsey M. and Stone M.H. Maximum Strength, Rate of Force Development, Jump Height, and Peak Power Alterations in Weightlifters across Five Months of Training Sports 2017, 5(4), 78; doi:10.3390/sports5040078
Hornsby G. Gleason B., Wathen D., Deweese B.., Stone M., Pierce K., Wagle J. , Szymanski D.J., Stone. M.H. Servant or Service? The Problem and a Conceptual Solution, Journal of Intercollegiate Sports 10(2): 228-243, 2017.
Wagle J.P, Carroll K.M., Cunanan A.J., Taber C.B., Wetmore A., Bingham G.E., DeWeese B.H., Sato K., Stuart C.A./and Stone M.H. Comparison of the Relationship between Lying and Standing Ultrasonography Measures of Muscle Morphology with Isometric and Dynamic Force Production Capabilities. Sports, 5(4): 88-00, 2017.
Bernard. J.R., Blaisdell, R., Light T. and Stone M.H. Prescribing an annual plan for the competitive surf athlete: Optimal methods and barriers to implementation. Strength and Conditioning Journal 39(6): 36–45 2017.
Carroll K. Sato K., Bazyler CD.., Triplett N.T., Stone M.H. Increases in variation of barbell kinematics are observed with increasing intensity in a graded back squat test. Sports 5(3). pii: E51. doi: 10.3390/sports5030051, 2018.
Cunanan A.J., DeWeese B.H., Wagle, J.P., Carroll K. Sausaman R., Hornsby III W.G., Haff, G.G., Triplett, N.T., Pierce, K.P. and Stone M.H. The General Adaptation Syndrome: A Foundation for the Concept of Periodization Sports Medicine 48(4):787–797, 2018.
Bazyler C.D., Mizuguchi S., Kavanaugh A.A., McMahon J.J., Comfort P., Stone M.H. Returners Exhibit Greater Jumping Performance Improvements During a Peaking Phase Compared to New Players on a Volleyball Team. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 13(6):709-716, 2018.
Bazyler C.D., Mizuguchi S., Zourdos MC., Sato K, Kavanaugh A.A., DeWeese B.H., Breuel K.F., Stone M.H. Characteristics of a National Level Female Weightlifter Peaking for Competition: A Case Study. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research 32(11):3029-3038, 2018.
Painter , K.B. , Haff G.G. Triplett N.T. , Stuart C. , Hornsby G. , Ramsey M.W. , Bazyler C.D. and Stone M.H. Resting Hormone Alterations and Injuries: Block vs. DUP Weight-Training among D-1 Track and Field Athletes Sports, 6(1): 3, 2018; doi:10.3390/sports6010003
Suchomel T.J., Nimphius S., Bellon C.R., Stone M.H. The Importance of Muscular Strength: Training Considerations Sports Medicine 48(4):765-785, 2018.
Magrum E.D., Wagle J.P., DeWeese B.H., Sato K., Stone M.H. The Use of an Optical Measurement System to Monitor Sports Performance. Sports 17;6(1). pii: E15. doi: 10.3390/sports6010015, 2018.
Taber C., Carroll K., DeWeese B., Sato K., Stuart C., Howell M., Hall K., Bazyler Stone M. Neuromuscular Adaptations following training and protein supplementation in a group of trained weightlifters. Sports 19;6(2). pii: E37. doi: 10.3390/sports6020037, 2018.
Carroll K.M., Bernards J.R., Bazyler C.D., Taber C.B., Stuart C.A., DeWeese B.H., Sato K. and Stone M.H. Divergent performance outcomes following resistance training using repetition maximums or relative intensity. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 14: 46-54, 2019.
Suchomel T.J. Nimphius S. and Stone M.H. Scaling isometric mid-thigh pull maximum strength in division I Athletes: are we meeting the assumptions? Sports Biomechanics 19(4):532-546, 2020.
Suchomel T. J, . Taber, C. B., Sole C.J. and Stone M.H. Force-Time Differences between Ballistic and Non-Ballistic Half-Squats. Sports 6(3), 79;, 2018.
Sole C. J., Mizuguchi S., Sato K., Moir, G. L., and Stone M. H. Phase characteristics of
the countermovement jump force-time curve: A comparison of athletes by jumping
ability. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 32: 1155–1165, 208, 2018.
Wagle J.P., Taber C.B., Carroll K.M., Cunanan A.J., Sams M.L., Wetmore A., Bingham G.E., DeWeese B.H., Sato K., Stuart C.A., Stone M.H. Repetition-to-Repetition Differences Using Cluster and Accentuated Eccentric Loading in the Back Squat. Sports 8;6(3). pii: E59. doi: 10.3390/sports6030059, 2018.
Wetmore, A, Wagle, JP, Sams, ML, Taber, CB, DeWeese, BH, Sato, K, and Stone, MH. Cluster set loading in the back squat: Kinetic and kinematic implications. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 33(7S): S19–S25, 2019.
Sole C.J., Suchomel T.J. and Stone M.H. Preliminary Scale of Reference Values for Evaluating Reactive Strength Index-Modified in Male and Female NCAA Division I Athletes. Sports 2018, 6(4), 133;
Hornsby , W.G. Gentles J.A. , Comfort P., Suchomel T., Mizuguchi S. and Stone M.H. Resistance Training Volume Load with and without Exercise Displacement. Sports (Basel). 2018 Nov 3;6(4). pii: E137. doi: 10.3390/sports6040137.
Hornsby , W.G. Gentles J.A., Haff G.G. and Stone M.H. Brief Examination of Hypertrophy and Performance with a Discussion of Recent Claims. Strength and Conditioning Journal 40 (6): 99–111, 2018.
Guppy S.N., Brady C.J., Kotani Y., Stone M.H., Medic N. qnd Haff G.G. The Effect of Altering Body Posture and Barbell Position on the Between-Session
Reliability of Force-Time Curve Characteristics in the Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull. Sports (Basel). 2018 30;6(4). pii: E162. doi: 10.3390/sports6040162.
Carroll K.M, Wagle J.P., Sato K., Taber C.B., Yoshida N., Bingham G.E. and Stone M.H..Characterizing overload in inertial flywheel devices for use in exercise training. Sports Biomechanics. 2018 Mar 21:1-12. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2018.1433715.
Hornsby, W.G. Cedar, W.E. S. Mizuguchi S., Stone M.H. The Power Position: Characteristics and Coaching Points. NSCA Coach 5 (1): 6-12, 2018.
Bellon, C. R., DeWeese, B. H., Sato, K., Clark, K. P., and Stone, M. H. Defining
the early, mid, and late sub-sections of sprint acceleration in division I men’s soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 33(4):1001-1006, 2019
Cedar, W.E. S., Hornsby W.G., Mizuguchi S., Stone M.H. The Double Knee Bend-
Characteristics and Coaching Points NSCA Coach 6(2):
2019 (on-line)
Suarez D.G., Wagle J.P., Cunanan A.J., Sausaman R.W. and Stone M.H. Dynamic
Correspondence of Resistance Training to Sport: a brief review. Journal of Strength and Conditioning 4: 80–88, 2019.
Sands W., Cardinale M., McNeal J., Murray S., Sole C., Reed J., Apostolopoulos N. and Stone M. Recommendations for Measurement and Management of an Elite Athlete. Sports 7(5), 105, 2019;
Suarez D.G., Mizuguchi S. Hornsby W.G., Cunanan A.J., Marsh D.J. and Stone M.H. Phase- Specific Changes in Rate of Force Development and Muscle Morphology throughout a Block Periodized Training Cycle in Weightlifters. Sports 7(6): 129,
Carroll K.M., Wagle J.P., Sole, C. Stone M.H. Intrasession and Intersession Reliability of Countermovement Jump Testing in Division-I Volleyball Athletes . Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 33 (11): 2932–2935, 2019.
Carroll K.M., Bazyler C.D., Bernards J.R. , Taber C.B., Stuart C.A. , DeWeese B.H., Sato K. and. Stone M.H. Skeletal Muscle Fiber Adaptations Following Resistance Training Using Repetition Maximums or Relative Intensity. Sports 2019, 7(7), 169;
Comfort P., Dos Santos T., Jones P.A. McMahon J.J., Suchomel T.J. Bazyler C. and Stone M.H. Normalisation of early isometric force production as a percentage of peak force, during multi-joint isometric assessment. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 15: 478–482, 2019
Stone M.H., O’Bryant H.S., Hornsby G., Cunanan A., Mizuguchi S., Suarez D.G.,
South M., Marsh D.J., Haff G.G., Ramsey M.W., Beckham G.K., Santana H.A.P, Wagle J.P., Stone M.E., and Pierce K.P. The Use of the Isometric Mid-thigh Pull in the Monitoring of Weightlifters: 25+ Years of Experience. UKSCA Journal: Professional Strength and Conditioning. 54:10-26, 2019.
Sausaman RW, Sams ML, Mizuguchi S, DeWeese BH, Stone MH. The Physical
Demands of NCAA Division I Women’s College Soccer. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2019; 4(4):73.
Painter K., Rodríguez-Castellano, L. and Stone M.H. High Volume Resistance Training and its Effects on Anaerobic Work Capacities Over Time: A Review. The Sport Journal 21: 1-3, 2020.
Travis, SK, Mizuguchi, S, Stone, MH, Sands, WA, and Bazyler, CD. Preparing for a national weightlifting championship: A case series. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research 34(7):1842-1850, 2020.
Moore, JL, Travis, SK, Lee, ML, and Stone, MH. Making weight: Maintaining body mass for weight class barbell athletes. Strength and Conditioning Journal 41(6):
110-114, 2019
Stone, M.H. (42 authors) On the Basics of training for muscle size and strength. (Letter to the Editor). Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 52(9): 2047-2050, 2020
Hornsby W.G., Haff G.G., Suarez D.G., Ramsey M.W., Triplett N.T., Hardee J.P.,
Stone M/E. and Stone M.H. Alterations in Adiponectin, Leptin, Resistin, Testosterone, and Cortisol across Eleven Weeks of Training among Division One Collegiate Throwers: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 5(3), 52; 2020. (On-line)
Abbott J.C., Wagle J.P., Sato K., Painter K., Light T.J., Stone M.H. Validation of
Inertial Sensor to Measure Barbell Kinematics across a Spectrum of Loading Conditions. Sports (Basel). 2020;8(7):E93. Published 2020 Jun 29. doi:10.3390/sports8070093.
Junshi Liu, Xingda Qu and Michael H. Stone. Evaluation of force-time curve
analysis methods in the isometric mid-thigh pull test. Sports Biomechanics, DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2020.1800810, 2020.
Hornsby W.G., Fry A.C., Haff G.G., Stone M.H. Addressing the Confusion within
Periodization Research. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 2020, 5(3), 68; (on-line)
Suarez D.G., Carroll K.M. Slaton J.A., Rochau K.G, Davis M.W. and Stone M.H.
Utility of a Shortened Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Protocol for Assessing Rapid Force Production in Athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 36(7): 1819-1825, 2022.
Cunanan A.J., Hornsby W.G., South M.A., Ushakova K.P., Mizuguchi, S., Sato K.,
Pierce K.C. and Stone M.H. Survey of Barbell Trajectory and Kinematics of the Snatch Lift from the 2015 World and 2017 Pan-American Weightlifting Championships. Sports 2020, 8, 118 (online)
Travis, S.K, Mujika I., Gentles J.A., Stone M.H. and Bazyler C.D. Tapering and
Peaking Maximal Strength for Powerlifting Performance: A Review. Sports 9 September, 2020 (on-line)
Ishida A., Rochau1 K., Findlay K.P, Devero B., Duca M. and Stone M.H. Effects of an
Initial Muscle Strength Level on Sports Performance Changes in Collegiate Soccer Players. Sports 2020, 8, 127 (0n-line)
Travis, S.K, Ishida A., Taber C.B., Fry A.C. and Stone M.H. Emphasizing Task-Specific
Hypertrophy to Enhance Sequential Strength and Power Performance. Journal of. Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2020, 5, 76, 1-25 (online)
Wetmore A.B., Moquin P.A., Carroll K.M., Fry A.C., Hornsby W.G. and Stone M.H.
The Effect of Training Status on Adaptations to 11 Weeks of Block Periodization
Training. Sports, (on-line), 2020.
Hornsby W.G., Tice, A., Stone J.D., Merrrigan J.J., Hagen, J., Wagle, J., Cunanan A.J.
and Stone M.H. Changes in Maximal Strength and Home Run Performance in NCAA Division I Baseball Players Across 3 Competitive Seasons: A Descriptive Study. Journal of Morphology and Kinesiology 6(4): 2021, on-line.
Suarez D., Harden N., Perkins, A. D’Amato J., Alughathawi I. and Stone M.H. Athlete
monitoring for barbell strength sports: a review with practical recommendations for implementation. UKSCA Journal: Professional Strength and Conditioning. 58: 23-35, 2020.
Hornsby W.G., South M., Stone J.D., Lamont H.S., Haff G.G. and Stone M.H. The
Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Performance. Vibration 3(2), 85-98, 2020.
Wagle J.P., Taber C.B., Carroll K.M., Cunanan A.J., Sams M.L., Wetmore A., Bingham G.E., DeWeese B.H., Sato K., Stuart C.A., Stone M.H. Accentuated Eccentric Loading and Cluster Set Configurations in the Back Squat: A Kinetic and Kinematic Analysis. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 35: 420-427, 2021
Wagle J.P., Carroll K.M., Cunanan A.1, Wetmore A., Taber C.B., DeWeese B.H., Sato K., Stuart C.A., and Stone M.H. Preliminary investigation into the effect of ACTN3and ACE polymorphisms on muscle and performance characteristics. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research. 35: 688-694, 2021
Batra A., Wetmore A.B., Hornsby W.G., Lipinska P., Staniak Z., Surala O. and Stone
M.H. Strength, Endocrine, and Body Composition Alterations across 4 Blocks of Training in an Elite 400m Sprinter. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 6(1): 25, 2021 (on-line)
Stone M.H., Hornsby W.G., Haff G.G., Fry A.C., Suarez D.G. Liu J., Gonzalez-Rave
J.M., Pierce K.C. Periodization and Block Periodization in Sports: emphasis on strength-power training: A provocative and challenging narrative. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 35(8): 2351–2371, 2021.
Ishida, A.,Travis, K.S. and Stone M.H. Short-term periodized programming may
improve strength, power, jump kinetics, and sprint efficiency in soccer. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 6(2), 45, 2021 (on-line)
Gleason B., Hornsby G., Suarez, D.G., Nein, M.A. and Stone .H. Troubleshooting a nonrepsonder: guidance for the strength and conditioning coach. Sports 9:83, 2021 (on-line).
Suchomel T.J., NimphiusS., Bellon C.R., Hornsby W.G, Stone M.H. Training for Muscular Strength: Methods for Monitoring and Adjusting Training Intensity. Sports Medicine Published on-line, June 2021.
Mizuguchi S., Cunanan A.J., Suarez D.G., Cedar W.E., South M.A., Gahreman D., Hornsby W.G. and Stone M.H.. Performance Comparisons of Youth Weightlifters as a Function of Age and Sex. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 2021 (In Press) – on-line
Ishida A., Travis S.K. and Stone M.H. Associations of Body Composition, Maximum Strength, Power Characteristics with Sprinting, Jumping, and Intermittent Endurance Performance in Male Intercollegiate Soccer Players. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 6(1): 7, 2021 (on-line).
Hornsby G., Gleason B., Diffenbach K., Brewer C. and Stone M.H. Exploring the positioning of sport science within intercollegiate athletics. NSCA Coach 8(3): 6-11, 2021.
Moquin P.A., Wetmore A.B., Carroll K.M,. Fry A.C. Hornsby W.G. and Stone M.H. Lean body mass and muscle cross-sectional area adaptations among college age
males with different strength levels across 11 Weeks of Block Periodized
Programmed resistance training. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18(9), 4735, 2021 (on-line)
Ishida A., Bazyler, C.D., Sayers A.L., Stone, M.H. and Gentles J.A. Evidence and application of athlete monitoring programs in National Collegiate Athletic Association women’s soccer: A narrative review. Strength and Conditioning Journal 44: 33-45 2022.
Ishida A. Bazyler, C.D., Sayers A.L., Stone, M.H. and Gentles J.A. Seasonal changes and relationships in training loads, neuromuscular performance and recovery and stress state in competitive female soccer players. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 11, 2021. On-line
Ishida A. Intra- and Inter-session Reliability of Isometric Squat, Mid-thigh Pull and Squat Jump in Resistance-Trained Individuals Preprint, 2021 on-line
Gonzalez-Ravé J.M., Pyne D.B., del Castillo J.A., González-Mohíno F., Stone M.H.. Training periodization for a world-class 400 meters individual medley swimmer. Biology of Sport 39(4): 883-888, 2022.
Gonzales-Rave J.M. Reliability of the Brzycki formula to estimate 1RM bench press and half-squat between collegiate men and women. Med Sport 2021;74:000-000.
Pierce K.P, Hornsby W.G. and Stone M.H. Weightlifting for children and adolescents: a narrative review." Sports Health 14: 45-56, 2021.
Painter, Keith B., et al. Positive Impulse Phase versus Propulsive Impulse Phase:
Correlations between Asymmetry and Countermovement Jump Performance. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 7(2): 31, 2022. On-line.
Ishida, A., Travis, S. K., Draper, G., White, J. B., & Stone, M. H. Player Position Affects
Relationship Between Internal and External Training Loads During Division I Collegiate Female Soccer Season. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 36(2), 513-517, 2022.
Alec R. Perkins, Kyle S. Travis, Satoshi Mizuguchi, Michael Stone, Kevin Breuel,
Michael Kellmann, and Caleb Bazyler. Convergent Validity of the Short Recovery and Stress Scale in Collegiate Weightlifters. International Journal of Exercise Science 15 (6): 1457-1471, 2022.
Abdulmalek K. Bursais, Jeremy A. Gentles, Naif M. Albujulaya, Michael Stone. Field
Based Assessment of a Tri-axial Accelerometers Validity to Identify Steps and Reliability to Quantify External Load. Frontiers of Physiology 1889, 2022, On- line
Hornsby W.G., Gleason B.H., DeLong M., Stone M.H. Are You Doing Any Sport Science? Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 7(3), 69. 2022 0n-line.
Stone M.H., Hornsby W.G.. Suarez D.G., Duca M., and Pierce K.C. Training Specificity for Athletes: Emphasis on Strength-Power Training: A Narrative Review. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 7:102 – On-line
Batra A., Wetmore A.B., Hornsby W.G., Lipinska P., Staniak Z., Surala O. and Stone M.H. Strength, Endocrine, and Body Composition Alterations across 4 Blocks of Training in an Elite 400m Sprinter. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 6(1): 25, 2021 (on-line)
Gleason B., Hornsby G., Suarez, D.G., Nein, M.A. and Stone .H. Troubleshooting a nonrepsonder: guidance for the strength and conditioning coach. Sports 9:83, 2021 (on-line).
Hornsby G., Gleason B., Diffenbach K., Brewer C. and Stone M.H. Exploring the positioning of sport science within intercollegiate athletics. NSCA Coach 8(3): 6-11, 2021.
Hornsby W.G., Tice, A., Stone J.D., Merrrigan J.J., Hagen, J., Wagle, J., Cunanan A.J. and Stone M.H. Changes in Maximal Strength and Home Run Performance in NCAA Division I Baseball Players Across 3 Competitive Seasons: A Descriptive Study. Journal of Morphology and Kinesiology 6(4): 2021, on-line.
Ishida A., Bazyler, C.D., Sayers A.L., Stone, M.H. and Gentles J.A. Evidence and application of athlete monitoring programs in National Collegiate Athletic Association women’ soccer: A narrative review. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 2021 (In Press).
Ishida A., Travis S.K. and Stone M.H. Associations of Body Composition, Maximum Strength, Power Characteristics with Sprinting, Jumping, and Intermittent Endurance Performance in Male Intercollegiate Soccer Players. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 6(1): 7, 2021 (on-line).
Ishida, A.,Travis, K.S. and Stone M.H. Short-term periodized programming may improve strength, power, jump kinetics, and sprint efficiency in soccer. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 6(2), 45, 2021 (on-line)
Mizuguchi S., Cunanan A.J., Suarez D.G., Cedar W.E., South M.A., Gahreman D., Hornsby W.G. and Stone M.H.. Performance Comparisons of Youth Weightlifters as a Function of Age and Sex. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 2021 (In Press) – on-line
Moquin P.A., Wetmore A.B., Carroll K.M,. Fry A.C. Hornsby W.G. and Stone M.H. Lean Body Mass and Muscle Cross-Sectional Area Adaptations Among College Age Males with Different Strength Levels across 11 Weeks of Block Periodized Programmed Resistance Training. International Journal of Environmental Researh and Public Health 2021, 18(9), 4735 (on-line)
Stone M.H., Hornsby W.G., Haff G.G., Fry A.C., Suarez D.G. Liu J., Gonzalez-Rave J.M., Pierce K.C. Periodization and Block Periodization in Sports: emphasis on strength-power training: A provocative and challenging narrative. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 35(8): 2351–2371, 2021.
Suchomel T.J., Nimphius S., Bellon C.R., Hornsby W.G, Stone M.H. Training for Muscular Strength: Methods for Monitoring and Adjusting Training Intensity. Sports Medicine Published on-line, June 2021.
Wagle J.P., Carroll K.M., Cunanan A.1, Wetmore A., Taber C.B., DeWeese B.H., Sato K., Stuart C.A., and Stone M.H. Preliminary investigation into the effect of ACTN3and ACE polymorphisms on muscle and performance characteristics. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research. 35: 688-694, 2021
Wagle J.P., Taber C.B., Carroll K.M., Cunanan A.J., Sams M.L., Wetmore A., Bingham G.E., DeWeese B.H., Sato K., Stuart C.A., Stone M.H. Accentuated eccentric loading and cluster set configurations in the back squat: A kinetic and kinematic analysis. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 35: 420-427, 2021
Abbott J.C., Wagle J.P., Sato K., Painter K., Light T.J., Stone M.H. Validation of Inertial Sensor to Measure Barbell Kinematics across a Spectrum of Loading Conditions. Sports (Basel). 2020;8(7):E93. Published 2020 Jun 29. doi:10.3390/sports8070093.
Cunanan A.J., Hornsby W.G., South M.A., Ushakova K.P., Mizuguchi, S., Sato K., Pierce K.C. and Stone M.H. Survey of Barbell Trajectory and Kinematics of the Snatch Lift from the 2015 World and 2017 Pan-American Weightlifting Championships. Sports 2020, 8, 118 (online).
Hornsby W.G., Haff G.G., Suarez D.G., Ramsey M.W., Triplett N.T., Hardee J.P., Stone M/E. and Stone M.H. Alterations in Adiponectin, Leptin, Resistin, Testosterone, and Cortisol across Eleven Weeks of Training among Division One Collegiate Throwers: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 5(3), 52;, 2020.
Hornsby W.G., Fry A.C., Haff G.G., Stone M.H. Addressing the Confusion within Periodization Research. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2020, 5(3), 68; (on-line)
Hornsby W.G., South M., Stone J.D., Lamont H.S., Haff G.G. and Stone M.H. The Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Performance. Vibration 3(2), 85- 98, 2020.
Ishida A., Rochau1 K., Findlay K.P, Devero B., Duca M. and Stone M.H. Effects of an Initial Muscle Strength Level on Sports Performance Changes in Collegiate Soccer Players. Sports 2020, 8, 127 (0n-line).
Junshi Liu, Xingda Qu and Michael H. Stone. Evaluation of force-time curve analysis methods in the isometric mid-thigh pull test, Sports Biomechanics, DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2020.1800810, 2020.
Stone, M.H. (42 authors) On the Basics of training for muscle size and strength. (Letter to the Editor). Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 52(9): 2047-2050, 2020.
Suarez D.G., Carroll K.M. Slaton J.A., Rochau K.G, Davis M.W. and Stone M.H. Utility of a Shortened Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Protocol for Assessing Rapid Force Production in Athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (Ahead of Print).
Suarez D., Harden N., Perkins, A. D’Amato J., Alughathawi I. and Stone M.H. Athlete monitoring for barbell strength sports: a review with practical recommendations for implementation. UKSCA Journal: Professional Strength and Conditioning. 58: 23-35, 2020.
Travis, S.K.; Ishida, A.; Taber, C.B.; Fry, A.C.; Stone, M.H. Emphasizing Task-Specific Hypertrophy to Enhance Sequential Strength and Power Performance. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 2020, 5, 76, doi:10.3390/jfmk5040076.
Travis, S.K.; Zourdos, M.C.; Bazyler, C.D. Weight Selection Attempts of Elite Classic Powerlifters: Perceptual and Motor Skills 2020, doi:10.1177/0031512520967608.
Travis, S.K.; Mujika, I.; Gentles, J.A.; Stone, M.H.; Bazyler, C.D. Tapering and Peaking Maximal Strength for Powerlifting Performance: A Review. Sports 2020, 8, 125, doi:10.3390/sports8090125.
Travis, S.K.; Mizuguchi, S.; Stone, M.H.; Sands, W.A.; Bazyler, C.D. Preparing for a National Weightlifting Championship: A Case Series. J Strength Cond Res 2019, doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000003312.
Travis, S.K.; Walters, J. Emphasizing Strength and Power Performance Using the Trap Bar Deadlift for the Modern-Day Warfighter. TSAC Report 2020, 56, 18–24.
Suarez D., Harden N., Perkins, A. D’Amato J., Alughathawi I. and Stone M.H. Athlete monitoring for barbell strength sports: a review with practical recommendations for implementation. UKSCA Journal: Professional Strength and Conditioning. 58: 23-35, 2020.
Bellon, C.R.; DeWeese, B.H.; Sato, K.; Clark, K.P.; Stone, M.H. Defining the Early, Mid, and Late Subsections of Sprint Acceleration in Division I Men’s Soccer Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2019, 33, 1001–1006, doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000003088.
Carroll, K.M.; Wagle, J.P.; Sole, C.J.; Stone, M.H. Intrasession and Intersession Reliability of Countermovement Jump Testing in Division-I Volleyball Athletes. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2019, 33, 2932–2935, doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000003353.
Moore, J.L.; Travis, S.K.; Lee, M.L.; Stone, M.H. Making Weight: Maintaining Body Mass for Weight Class Barbell Athletes. Strength & Conditioning Journal 2019, 41, 110–114, doi:10.1519/SSC.0000000000000503.
Sands, W.; Cardinale, M.; McNeal, J.; Murray, S.; Sole, C.; Reed, J.; Apostolopoulos, N.; Stone, M. Recommendations for Measurement and Management of an Elite Athlete. Sports 2019, 7, 105, doi:10.3390/sports7050105.
Travis, S.K.; Ishida, A. Implications for the Inclusion of Echo Intensity for Athlete Monitoring - A Mini Review. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 2019, 18, 13622–13625.
Carroll, K.M.; Bernards, J.R.; Bazyler, C.D.; Taber, C.B.; Stuart, C.A.; DeWeese, B.H.; Sato, K.; Stone, M.H. Divergent Performance Outcomes Following Resistance Training Using Repetition Maximums or Relative Intensity. International Journal of Sport Physiology and Performance. (Epub ahead of print).
Painter, K.B., Haff, G.G., Triplett, T.N., Stuart, C., Sands, W.A., Ramsey, M.W., Bazyler, C.D., Stone, M.H. Resting hormone alterations and injuries: Block vs. DUP weight-training among D-1 track and field athletes. Sports. 6(1). 2018.
Taber, C., Carroll, K., DeWeese, B., Sato, K., Stuart, C., Howell, M., Hall, K., Bazyler, C., Stone, M. Neuromuscular Adaptations Following Training and Protein Supplementation in a Group of Trained Weightlifters. Sports. 6(2). 2018.
Travis, S. K., Goodin, J. R., Beckham, G.K., Bazyler, C.D. Identifying a Test to Monitor Weightlifting Performance in Competitive Male and Female Weightlifters. Sports. 6(46). 2018.
Banyard, H. G., Nosaka, K., Sato, K., & Haff, G. G. (2017). Validity of Various Methods for Determining Velocity, Force and Power in the Back Squat. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-25.
Bazyler, C. D., Mizuguchi, S., Harrison, A. P., Sato, K., Kavanaugh, A. A., DeWeese, B. H., & Stone, M. H. (2017). Changes in Muscle Architecture, Explosive Ability, and Track and Field Throwing Performance Throughout a Competitive Season and Following a Taper. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.
Bazyler, C. D., Mizuguchi, Zourdos, M.C., Sato, K., Kavanaugh, A. A., DeWeese, B. H., & Stone, M. H. Characteristics of a national level weightlifter peaking for competition: a case study. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (Epub ahead of print) 2017.
Bazyler, C.D. (2017). Jumping performance is preserved, but not muscle thickness in collegiate volleyball players after a taper. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Journal.
Bazyler, C.D., Mizuguchi, S., Kavanaugh, A.A., McMahon, J.J., Comfort, P., Stone, M.H. Returners exhibit greater jumping performance improvements during a peaking phase compared to new players on a volleyball team. International Journal of Sport Physiology and Performance 16:1-26, (Epub ahead of print). 2017.
Beckham, G. K., Sato, K., Mizuguchi, S., Haff, G. G., & Stone, M. H. (2017). Effect of Body Position on Force Production During the Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.
Bernards, J., Sato, K., Haff, G.G., Bazyler, C. D. Current research and statistical practices in sport science and a need for change. Sports 5(4), 87. 2017.
Carrol, K.M., Sato, K., Bazyler, C.D., Triplett, T.N., Stone, M.H. Increases in variation of barbell kinematics are observed with increasing intensity in a graded back squat test. Sports 5(3), 51. 2017.
Carroll, K. M., Sato, K., Beckham, G. K., Griggs, C. V., & Stone, M. H. (2017). Relationship between concentric velocities at varying intensity in the back squat using a wireless inertial sensor. Journal of Trainology, 6(1), 9-12.
Gentles, J., Hornsby, W.G., Dotterweich, A.R., Miller, J., Stewart, C.A., Stone, M.H. (In Press). Cell free DNA as a marker of training status in weightlifters. Biology of Sport.
Gleason, B., Sams, M., Salley, J., Pustina, A., & Stone, M. (2017). GPS Analysis of a High School Football Scrimmage. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.
Pustina, A.A., Sato, K., Liu, C., Kavanaugh, A.A., Sams, M.L., Liu, J., Uptmore, K.D., & Stone, M.H. (2017). Establishing a duration standard for the calculation of session rating of perceived exertion in NCAA division I men’s soccer. Journal of Trainology,
Reed, J. P., Palmero, M., Sato, K., Hsieh, C.-T., & Stone, M. (2017). Athlete Perceptions of a Monitoring and Strength and Conditioning Program. Sport Journal.
Sole, C.J. (2017). Phase characteristics of the countermovement jump force-time curve: A comparison of athletes by jumping ability. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Journal,
Sole, C. J., Kavanaugh, A. A., & Stone, M. H. (2017). Injuries in Collegiate Women’s Volleyball: A Four-Year Retrospective Analysis. Sports, 5(2), 26.
Stuart CA, Lee ML, South MA, Howell ME, Stone MH. Muscle Hypertrophy in Prediabetic Men after 16 Weeks of Resistance Training. J Appl Physiol. 2017 Oct 1:123(4):894-901.
Zourdos, M. C., Bazyler, C. D., Jo, E., Khamoui, A. V., Park, B.-S., Lee, S.-R., . . . Kim, J.-S. (2017). Impact of a Submaximal Warm-Up on Endurance Performance in Highly Trained and Competitive Male Runners. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 88(1), 114-119.
Bailey, C. A., Sato, K., Burnett, A., & Stone, M. H. (2016). Kinetic Asymmetry and Center of Mass Displacement During Jumps. Paper presented at the ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive.
Bazyler, C. (2016). Tapering for Strength-Power Individual Event and Team Sport Athletes.
Bingham, G. E., Wagle, J. P., Fiolo, N., & DeWeese, B. H. (2016). An elite athlete's initial uphill battle. 11th Annual Coaches and Sport Science College, Johnson City, TN.
de Paula Santana, H. A. (2016). Relationship of Force Variables to Vertical Jumps Performance.
DeWeese, B. H., Bellon, C., Magrum, E., Taber, C., & Suchomel, T. J. (2016). Strengthening the springs. Techniques Magazine, 8-20.
DeWeese, B. H., Suchomel, T. J., Serrano, A. J., Burton, J. D., Scruggs, S. K., & Taber, C. B. (2016). Pull From the Knee: Proper Technique and Application. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 38(1), 79-85.
Dotterweich, A. R., Greene, A. E., Davis, T. J., Lhotsky, G., & Walker, J. T. (2016). Comparison of 4th Graders' Physical Activity Intensities in Various School Physical Activity Settings. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 3(2), 136-143.
Joyce, C., Chivers, P., Sato, K., & Burnett, A. (2016). Multi-segment trunk models used to investigate the crunch factor in golf and their relationship with selected swing and launch parameters. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34(20), 1970-1975.
Sato, K., Carroll, K. M., & Stone, M. H. (2016). Examination of Bar Velocity in the Barbell Back Squat. Paper presented at the ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive.
South, M. A., Layne, A. S., Stuart, C. A., Triplett, N. T., Ramsey, M., Howell, M. E., . . . Kavanaugh, A. A. (2016). Effects of Short-Term Free-Weight and Semiblock Periodization Resistance Training on Metabolic Syndrome. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 30(10), 2682-2696.
Stuart CA, Lee ML, South MA, Howell ME, Cartwright BM, Ramsey MW, Stone MH. Pre-Training Muscle Characteristics of Subjects Who Are Obese Determine How Well Exercise Training Will Improve Their Insulin Responsiveness: Exercise training and muscle of obese subjects. J Strength Cond Res. 2016 Jun 28.
Suchomel, T. J., DeWeese, B. H., & Serrano, A. J. (2016). The Power Clean and Power Snatch From the Knee. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 38(4), 98-105.
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Suchomel, T.J. and Bailey, C.A. Monitoring and managing fatigue in baseball players. Strength and Conditioning Journal. In press.
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Suchomel, T.J., Beckham, G.K., and Wright, G.A. The effect of various loads on the force-time characteristics of the hang high pull. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. In press.
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